Fell in love once,and almost completely. I didn't know it was possible for someone to make me feel so happy,its a good feeling for a change. But i know its upto her whether to tear it all away. The weekend was fun,slept over in a mates house,props to the dood. Talked to friends i hadn't talked to in ages,twas mucho's fun all round. Makes me realise how much good there is around me lately, and i know im always complaining about stuff, but to be honest, i wouldnt change how i am now for the world.
Christmas is in.... soon. Im not the biggest fan of christmas, but truth be told, i am a child, and with christmas comes a shiny new laptop from which to post this blog, if i keep it up that is. Which i undoubtedly wont. My life this week has been a soundtrack of the bands to the right of the page. You should check them out, all good dudes, and amazing musicians. Nialler9's blog is also a nice place to go when bored, and in search of new music. Probably the best irish blog going at the minute. Moshspace is also an amazing site. Friendly forum which got me into so many amazing bands,and made me loads of cool new friends. Im mad stoked on D.B.H. right now,and only wish i could be more of a part of it.
Band of the moment it seems,are The Wonder Years. Posi as fuck pop punk from the US. They're playing Dorans in Dublin right now. I should be there, but im not. So im listening instead, and you should too.
I have school tomorrow,i should really be attempting to sleep, oh well. Peace out to all two people reading.
Oh and Karl,release the fucking Lark EP.
Tabla Conmebol : 2, chile, 4, 2, 1, 1, 2, 7.
2 years ago
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