Tomorrow is my last day in school for a whole two weeks. FUCK YEAH. Back January 7th, and my mocks start on the 29th. Balls to that. NFG and Alan K's Sweet 16 are on during them,but im still going to both. Ima try get to Black Friday too,trying to sort myself out with an ID.
I have to work Christmas Day. Yeah. But im off every other major day,and day after on Christmas. Looking forward to this weekend aswell,hitting Ardee for cokes with the OOM dude's and dudette's, it's been way too long. Hopefully ill get to see some of the Nimmo family too lol. Smyths New Years Eve Chris, yeah?
I never meant for this blog to be a place where i just ranted,but it has kind of turned into that lately,sorry,ill try make the posts more constructive. Some blogs ive been reading lately have been class. Nialler9's is stellar for new music. Zach and Iano's are class for lyrics. Gav's and Mackle's bring the gaming info,s'all good. Glenn talks about NFG. UR MOSHIN.
Me and Karl are starting going to the gym after christmas. JJB Dundalk yo. I really need to lose the pounds,wanna look decent for my Debs. Its on in the Park Inn Fundalk. Im not happy,tbh,it's only up the road. But we have a good band and some DJ's,and good food. Um. Food. Im fucking starving. I won a chocolate hamper in a raffle yesterday,gonna go raid it. If you read this far,thanks,it kind of went nowhere.
Carpo x
Tabla Conmebol : 2, chile, 4, 2, 1, 1, 2, 7.
2 years ago
Yeah. In my sisters shop ha. She thinks its a great idea.
What sort of shop is it? Like an off license or something?
Nope,just a normal groceries shop. Theres a deli and stuff. Most broing job ever,but my best friend works there too. Keeps me sane ha.
Just thinking why would anyone go there on Christmas day?
My sister thinks they will for like,cream and gravy and shit?
Hmm, maybe. The times I'd go out on Christmas day (just skating and stuff) there would be no one out and no shops open. It was weird/class.
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